Photography by Martin Brown
Guess who's back...back again. Okay, so I did that thing where I took a little bit of a break, but if I'm honest I've been ridiculously busy! I was recently in a musical which was taking up a great deal of my time, as well as finishing my second to last term of university. It's all been a bit hectic, especially with Christmas coming up, so I thought it would be best to step back a bit from the blogging world until I felt like I could really feel passionate about it again.
And if there's one thing I know, it's that a good old fashioned photoshoot is just the thing to cheer me up! Especially when the photoshoot involves me not even having to get out of my pyjamas...

Christmas pyjamas have always been somewhat of a tradition at my house, and we're definitely one of those families that spends the whole of Christmas day in our PJs, eating our way through everything and watching movies by the fire. So, when Fat Face offered to send me some of their gorgeous new Winter pyjamas I was absolutely over the moon. Not only are Fat Face one of my favourite companies, but I had been on the hunt for a set of cosies worthy of the big day itself. And I think these may have done the trick!
Dressing Gown - C/O Fat Face
I chose the absolute cutest starry dressing gown with the prettiest patchwork print! Despite it being on the thinner side, its fashioned from the cosiest material so I definitely don't feel the chill! I paired it with a pair of gorgeous bottoms that have sweet little birds wearing clothes on! Who doesn't love a bird wearing a hat?!
Pyjama Bottoms - C/O Fat Face
Slippers - C/O Fat Face
And of course, it's not Christmas without a pair of fluffy slippers. These are the softest things my feet have ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Who else is thinking I should sell Hello Miss Jordan baubles?! Just me? Okay...
I also want to say a big thanks to my friend Martin who took these photographs! You may recognise his style from a couple of my other posts but he was an absolute star and saved the day by taking these! If you're on the hunt for a photographer I would highly recommend him.
I actually cannot wait to wear these on Christmas morning! They are absolutely perfect and I will not take them off all day YOU CAN'T MAKE ME.
Also, I've been trying to get a photo with Oscar like the one at the top ever since I got him, so I'm pretty damn happy with it! They do say never work with children or animals...unfortunately Martin had the misfortune of working with both of us...